I got this idea from a blogger I randomly came across long ago. She is an absolute stranger to me but she's pretty and she has pretty jewelry, bags, and shoes, so I check her blog a lot. She once commented on this here blog. Let's see how far I get with these daily tasks.
Day 1 – A photo of yourself and a description of how your day was.
Here are 2 photos of me today. Mitsu has amazing teeth. She also smelled my eye for a while.
This morning I got some work done at Argo. I stepped into Rugby across the street for a few minutes and found some nice khaki pants, which I touched. I also saw some nice shirts on sale, but decided that theoretically, if I were to buy anything, it'd be the more practical or needy item, which would be the pants, as opposed to the wanty items. My current pants all fit weird because I've recently gained a significant enough amount of weight to notice such things. I also need nice pants, pants I can teach in during the summer. But I don't live in a theoretical world, so when another customer came in and occupied the employee, I slipped out. I'll probably be back though; let's just face the truth.
I went to yoga later in the afternoon, where I was the only person in my class. It was a lot harder than last week, which was good. But in order to fit into certain pants again, I figure I'll need to go again this week, or add another aspect to my exercise regimen that is not walking Mitsu around the neighborhood for fifteen to twenty minutes once or twice a day. I dread running, and we no longer have a VCR so I can't do "Buns of Steel" from the early 90's and even if Naomi returned Wii Fit (I think I kind of instructed her not to), that'd be of no use to me. To be continued.