Weekend photo overload

The Polaroid-look is a little overdone, but I still find it appealing. Here's my weekend in photos.
1. Got a little too excited at Costco. Moet and Chandon and gummy bears for a going away party.
2. Shiba dog, anyone? Dress from Rose Bud in Osaka.
3. Curiosity killed the carrot.
4. Saturday hail.
5. Parking lot debris. Thumb wrestling?
6. Unnecessary Golden Nugget menu.
7. Guadalajara Skillet ♥
8. In the car on the way to a garden center. (Why does no one sell spinach seeds for a fall harvest???)
9. Rilakkuma iPhone case from Jenni!
10. Scarechild at the garden center.
11. Mitsu and her 1994 Coca Cola polar bear friend. She removed its nose.
Nice weekend! When I had a dog, she'd always eat the noses off my stuffed animals. Are these dog delicacies?
is the polaroid filter an iphone thing?
also what are your suggestions for golden nugget. the last time i went i got sick from the philly sandwich and so havent gone back in like 3 years
Jenni: You had a dog?! What kind? My mom finds stuffed animals in the basement for Mitsu, and she always takes out the eyes, nose, or anything hard and plastic. I think part of it is that there's some satisfaction to chewing on plastic, but also, it serves as an access point to the insidesl, so she can unstuff it.
Wesley: The app is called "Shake It Photo." It exists for the iPhone, not sure about other phones. You can shake the phone to shake the photo like it's a Polaroid.
So I always get the Guadalajara Skillet (eggs scrambled holds better as leftovers, and I get corn tortillas). I've flirted with chilaquiles but I ended up going back to the skillet. I also like their french toast. Mordecai usually gets club sandwiches, substituting fries for onion rings. I had their all-fruit waffle once in high school (were you there? it was after seeing Othello) and threw up the next morning. I would just boycott the one you went to. I recommend the GN on Clark Street by Diversey, and the one by us on Diversey and Pulaski, but not the one on Diversey by Western. I think the one on Lawrence is fine too but I've only been there once in the middle of the night; the waitstaff was kind to us even though we were rowdy and obnoxious.
yeah i think i went to the one on western and diversey. was not a good experience. so each golden nugget has a different experience? ill try the one on clark and diversey one
Hi Kei, I had a Sheltie in high school but she somehow got dog mouth cancer when she was two. My parents blamed me for not brushing her teeth enough. Now that I'm an adult, I'm starting to think that they were wrong. Oral cancer is caused by "sniffing carcinogens" according to the internet. Clearly, my dog was a delinquent.
Wesley: Yeah I get the sense that different Golden Nuggets (G-Nuggs) offer different experiences. The one on Clark by Diversey might be the easiest for you to get to from Hyde Park/LSD.
Jenni: Poor Sheltie! I haven't heard about mouth cancer for dogs. We've never brushed Mitsu's teeth actually, though she mildly puts up with us playing with her teeth and gums. I think we've just been avoiding it because it seems...annoying? Tedious? Like clipping her nails, which we now have done at the doggie daycare place. Instead, we give her these breath mint/supposed teeth cleaning treats, which she seems to like.
where's your dress from? super cute! it looks like someone drew it by hand.
Got the dress at a store called Rose Bud in Japan, link above in the post. I liked the eccentric vibe, not like other things in my closet. And it was on sale! Also, the material is synthetic and easy to care for :D
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